List of Publications:
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Data Management Systems
BionicDB: Fast and Power-Efficient OLTP on FPGA.
K. Kim, R. Johnson, and I. Pandis.
In Proc. EDBT, 2019.
DPI: The Data Processing Interface for Modern Networks.
G. Alonso, C. Binnig, I. Pandis, K. Salem, J. Skrzypczak, R. Stutsman, L. Thostrup, T. Wang, Z. Wang, and T. Ziegler.
In Proc. CIDR, 2019.
Integrated Querying of SQL database data and S3 data in Amazon Redshift.
M. Cai, M. Grund, A. Gupta, F. Nagel, I. Pandis, Y. Papakonstantinou, and M. Petropoulos
Data Engineering Bulletin (DEBULL), Special Issue on Large-scale Data Integration, Vol. 41 (2), 2018.
Query Fresh: Log Shipping on Steroids.
T. Wang, R. Johnson, and I. Pandis.
Proc. of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), 2018.
Efficiently making (almost) any concurrency control mechanism serializable.
T. Wang, R. Johnson, A. Fekete, and I. Pandis.
The VLDB Journal 26(4), 537-562, 2017.
ERMIA: Fast memory-optimized database system for heterogeneous workloads
K. Kim, T. Wang, R. Johnson and I. Pandis.
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 2016.
Characterization of the Impact of Hardware Islands on OLTP.
D. Porobic, I. Pandis, M. Branco, P. Tozun, and A. Ailamaki.
The VLDB Journal, special issue on "Data Management on Modern Hardware", 2016.
Tutorial: SQL-on-Hadoop systems
D. Abadi, S. Babu, F. Ozcan, and I. Pandis.
Proc. of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), 2015.
The Serial Safety Net: Efficient Concurrency Control on Modern Hardware
T. Wang, R. Johnson, A. Fekete, and I. Pandis.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware (DaMoN2015), Melbourne, Australia, June 2015.
Impala: A Modern, Open-Source SQL Engine for Hadoop.
M. Kornacker, A. Behm, V. Bittorf, T. Bobrovytsky, C. Ching, A. Choi, J. Erickson, M. Grund, D. Hecht, M. Jacobs, I. Joshi, L. Kuff, D. Kumar, A. Leblang, N. Li, I. Pandis, H. Robinson, D. Rorke, S. Rus, J. Russell, D. Tsirogiannis, S. Wanderman-Milne, and M. Yoder.
In Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR2015), Asilomar, CA, USA, Jan 2015.
Memory-Efficient Hash Joins.
G. Attaluri, R. Barber, N. Chainani, S. Lightstone, G. Lohman, I. Pandis, V. Raman, D. Sharpe, and R. Sidle.
Proc. of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), 2015.
Robust concurrency control in main-memory DBMS: What main memory giveth, the application taketh away.
R. Johnson, K. Kim, T. Wang, and I. Pandis.
Proc. of the International Workshop on In-Memory Data Management and Analytics (IMDM), 2014.
Joins on Encoded and Partitioned Data.
J.-G. Lee, G. Attaluri, R. Barber, N. Chainani, O. Draese, F. Ho, S. Idreos, M.-S. Kim, S. Lightstone, G. M. Lohman, K. Morfonios, K. Murthy, I. Pandis, L. Qiao, V. Raman, V. Kulandai Samy, R. Sidle, K. Stolze, and L. Zhang.
Proc. of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), 2014.
Eliminating unscalable communication in transaction processing.
R. Johnson, I. Pandis, and A. Ailamaki.
The VLDB Journal, Vol. 23(1), 2014.
Go Server Go: Parallel Computing with Moving Servers.
R. Barber, G. Lohman, R. Mueller, I. Pandis, V. Raman, and W. Wilcke.
In Proc. of the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC), 2013.
DB2 with BLU Acceleration: So much more than just a column store.
V. Raman, G. Attaluri, R. Barber, N. Chainani, D. Kalmuk, V. KulandaiSamy, J. Leenstra, S. Lightstone, S. Liu, G. M. Lohman, T. Malkemus, R. Mueller, I. Pandis, B. Schiefer, D. Sharpe, R. Sidle, A. Storm, and L. Zhang.
Proc. of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), 2013.
Next Generation Data Analytics at IBM Research.
O. Hassanzadeh, A. Kementsietsidis, B. Kimelfeld, R. Krishnamurthy, F. Ozcan, and I. Pandis.
Proc. of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), 2013.
Toward Scalable Transaction Processing - Evolution of Shore-MT.
A. Ailamaki, R. Johnson, I. Pandis and P. Tozun.
Proc. of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), 2013.
From A to E: Analyzing TPC's OLTP Benchmarks - The obsolete, the ubiquitous, the unexplored.
P. Tozun, I. Pandis, C. Kaynak, D. Jevdjic, and A. Ailamaki.
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT2013), Genoa, Italy, March 2013.
NUMA-aware algorithms: the case of data shuffling.
Y. Li, I. Pandis, R. Mueller, V. Raman, and G. Lohman.
In Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR2013), Asilomar, CA, USA, Jan 2013.
The bionic DBMS is coming, but what will it look like?
R. Johnson, and I. Pandis.
In Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR2013), Asilomar, CA, USA, Jan 2013.
Outrageous Ideas and Vision Track. Best Paper Award Runner-up.
Scalable and Dynamically Balanced Shared-Everything OLTP with Physiological Partitioning.
P. Tozun, I. Pandis, R. Johnson, and A. Ailamaki.
The VLDB Journal, Vol. 22(2), 2013.
OLTP on Hardware Islands.
D. Porobic, I. Pandis, M. Branco, P. Tozun, and A. Ailamaki.
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), Vol. 5(11), 2012.
Business Analytics in (a) Blink.
R. Barber, P. Bendel, M. Czech, O. Draese, F. Ho, N. Hrle, S. Idreos, M.-S. Kim, O. Koeth, J.-G. Lee, T. T. Li, G. Lohman, K. Morfonios, R. Mueller, K. Murthy, I. Pandis, L. Qiao, V. Raman, R. Sidle, K. Stolze, and S. Szabo.
Data Engineering Bulletin, Special Issue on Column Store Systems, Vol. 35(1), 2012.
Scalability of write-ahead logging on multicore and multisocket hardware.
R. Johnson, I. Pandis, R. Stoica, M. Athanassoulis, and A. Ailamaki.
The VLDB Journal, Vol. 21(2), 2012.
PLP: Page Latch-free Shared-everything OLTP.
I. Pandis, P. Tozun, R. Johnson, and A. Ailamaki.
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), Vol. 4(10), 2011.
Blink: Not Your Father's Database!
R. Barber, P. Bendel, M. Czech, O. Draese, F. Ho, N. Hrle, S. Idreos, M.-S. Kim, O. Koeth, J.-G. Lee, T. T. Li, G. Lohman, K. Morfonios, R. Mueller, K. Murthy, I. Pandis, L. Qiao, V. Raman, S. Szabo, R. Sidle, and K. Stolze.
In Proc. of the 5th International Workshop on Business Intelligence for the Real Time Enterprise (BIRTE), Seattle, WA, 2011.
A Data-oriented Transaction Execution Engine and Supporting Tools.
I. Pandis, P. Tozun, M. Branco, D. Karampinas, D. Porobic, R. Johnson, and A. Ailamaki.
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD Conference, Athens, Greece, June 2011. Best Demo Award.
Scalable transaction processing through data-oriented execution.
I. Pandis.
PhD dissertation, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2012.
Published by LAP Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co. ISBN 978-3-8484-4619-3
TPC-E vs. TPC-C: Characterizing the New TPC-E Benchmark via an I/O Comparison Study.
S. Chen, A. Ailamaki, M. Athanassoulis, P. B. Gibbons, R. Johnson, I. Pandis, and R. Stoica.
SIGMOD Record, Vol. 39(4), 2010.
Aether: A scalable approach to logging.
R. Johnson, I. Pandis, R. Stoica, M. Athanassoulis, and A. Ailamaki.
In Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB2010), Singapore, Singapore, September 2010.
Invited for publication at the Special Issue of VLDB Journal for VLDB 2010 Best Papers.
Data-Oriented Transaction Execution.
I. Pandis, R. Johnson, N. Hardavellas, and A. Ailamaki.
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), Vol. 3(1), 2010.
Improving OLTP Scalability using Speculative Lock Inheritance.
R. Johnson, I. Pandis, and A. Ailamaki.
In Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB2009), Lyon, France, August 2009.
Shore-MT: A Scalable Storage Manager for the Multicore Era.
R. Johnson, I. Pandis, N. Hardavellas, A. Ailamaki, and B. Falsafi.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT2009), Saint Petersburg, Russia, March 2009. EDBT'19 Test-of-Time Award.
Critical Sections: Re-emerging Scalability Concerns for Database Storage Engines.
R. Johnson, I. Pandis, and A. Ailamaki.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware (DaMoN2008), Vancouver, Canada, June 2008.
Query Processor
A. Ailamaki, and I. Pandis.
In Encyclopedia of Database Systems, L. Liu and M. T. Ozsu eds., 2008.
Operator-Level Parallelism/Execution Skew/Inter-Query Parallelism/Intra-Query Parallelism/Stop-and-Go Operator
N. Hardavellas, and I. Pandis.
Entries in Encyclopedia of Database Systems, L. Liu and M. T. Ozsu eds., 2008.
To Share Or Not To Share?
R. Johnson, N. Hardavellas, I. Pandis, N. Mancheril, S. Harizopoulos, K. Sabirli, A. Ailamaki, and B. Falsafi.
In Proceedings of the 33th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB2007), Vienna, Austria, September 2007.
An Analysis of Database System Performance on Chip Multiprocessors.
N. Hardavellas, I. Pandis, R. Johnson, N. Mancheril, S. Harizopoulos, A. Ailamaki, and B. Falsafi.
In Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Data Management Symposium (HDMS2007), Athens, Greece, July 2007.
Database Servers on Chip Multiprocessors: Limitations and Opportunities.
N. Hardavellas, I. Pandis, R. Johnson, N. Mancheril, A. Ailamaki, and B. Falsafi.
In Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR2007), Asilomar, CA, USA, Jan 2007.
Simultaneous Pipelining in QPipe: Exploiting Work Sharing Opportunities Across Queries.
K. Gao, S. Harizopoulos, I. Pandis, V. Shkapenyuk, and A. Ailamaki.
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE2006), Atlanta, GA, USA, April 2006. Best Demo Award.
Middleware for Pervasive Computing
Agent Based Middleware Infrastructure for Autonomous Context-Aware Ubiquitous Computing Services.
J. Soldatos, I. Pandis, K. Stamatis, L. Polymenakos, and J. L. Crowley.
Computer Communications, 30, Special Issue on Emerging Middleware for Next Generation Networks.
Semantic Web Technologies for Ubiquitous Computing Resource Management in Smart Spaces.
J. Soldatos, K. Stamatis, S. Azodolmolky, I. Pandis, and L. Polymenakos.
International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET), 3(4), July 2007.
An Ontology-based Framework for Dynamic Resource Management in Ubiquitous Computing Environments.
I. Pandis, J. Soldatos, A. Paar, J. Reuter, M. Carras, and L. Polymenakos.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS2005), Xi'an, China, December 2005. (Invited paper)
Context Aware Distributed Systems for Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing.
I. Pandis.
MSIN-AIT Thesis, Athens, Greece, December 2004.
Hypermedia Systems
Supporting the Provision of Specialized Taxonomic Hypermedia Services to Web Applications.
N. Karousos, I. Pandis, M. Tzagarakis, and M. Vaitis.
In Proceedings of the HT06WS, Odense, Denmark, August 2006.
Semantically Annotated Hypermedia Services.
I. Pandis, N. Karousos, and T. Tiropanis.
In Proceedings of the ACM Hypertext 2005 Conference (HT2005), Salzburg, Austria, September 2005.
Developer Support in Open Hypermedia Systems: Towards a Hypermedia Service Discovery Mechanism.
N. Karousos, and I. Pandis.
In Proceedings of MetaInformatics Symposium 2003 (MIS2003), Graz, Austria, September 2003.
Increasing the Usage of Open Hypermedia Systems: A Developer-Side Approach.
N. Karousos, M. Tzagarakis, and I. Pandis.
In Proceedings of the ACM Hypertext 2003 Conference (HT2003), Nottingham, UK, August 2003.
Offering Hypermedia services to the WWW: a step-by-step approach for developers.
N. Karousos, I. Pandis, S. Reich, and M. Tzagarakis
In Proceedings of the Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2003), Budapest, Hungary, May 2003.
Babylon Bookmarks: A Taxonomic Approach to the Management of WWW Bookmarks.
N. Karousos, I. Panaretou, I. Pandis, and M. Tzagarakis.
In Proceedings of MetaInformatics Symposium 2002 (MIS2002), Esbjerg, Denmark, August 2002.
Development of Taxonomic Hypertext Management System.
I. Pandis.
Diploma Thesis, Patras, Greece, September 2002.
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