Our paper on joins on encoded and partitioned data was accepted for publication at the industrial track of VLDB 2014, which will be held in Hangzhou, China in September.
I decided to join the Impala team at Cloudera as a software engineer.
Our paper on eliminating unscalable communication in OLTP has been accepted for publication at the VLDB Journal.
Our paper on Bionic DBMSs was voted as one of the three Best Papers of the Outrageous Ideas and Vision track of CIDR 2013! The presentation (with a typo correction) can be found here.
Our paper "From A to E: Analyzing TPC's OLTP Benchmarks" has been accepted for publication on EDBT 2013.
Our paper "OLTP on Hardware Islands" has been accepted for publication at PVLDB 2012. It will presented in VLDB 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey.
Uploaded some of the presentation we did over the recent years. They are in the Publications page.
I joined IBM Almaden Research Center as member of the research staff. I am member of the Advanced Database Solutions (K55G) group, managed by Dr. Guy Lohman. I am simply excited to join this team!
The camera-ready version of our PLP paper on page latch-free shared-everything OLTP, which will be presented at VLDB 2011, can be downloaded from here.
Our demonstration of a data-oriented transaction processing system won the Best Demonstration Award at SIGMOD 2011! Implementing and presenting this DORA demo has been such a great experience. The poster we used during the demonstration can be downloaded from here.
Our paper "PLP: Page Latch-free Shared-everything OLTP" has been accepted for presentation in VLDB 2011 in Seattle, WA.
I have successfully defended my PhD Thesis!
I am member of the Program Committee for DBTest 2011 which will be held in conjunction with the SIGMOD conference.
Our study which analyzes and compares the I/O traces from one of the commercial database servers when running the TPC-E and TPC-C database benchmarks, will appear in SIGMOD Record.
The camera-ready version of our PVLDB 2010 "Data-Oriented Transaction execution" (or DORA) paper has just been uploaded here.
The camera-ready version of our VLDB 2010 "Aether: A scalable approach to logging" paper has just been uploaded here.
Our paper "Aether: A scalable approach to logging" has been accepted for presentation in VLDB 2010 in Singapore.
Just came back from the 13th International Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems
(HPTS 2009). It was an exciting workshop.
I gave a talk on DORA. My presentation can be found here.
Our paper "Data-Oriented Transaction Execution" was accepted for publication in PVLDB Vol. 3, and it is going to be presented at the VLDB 2010 conference in Singapore.
Our team released Shore-MT. Shore-MT is a scalable multi-threaded port of the Shore storage manager. It can be downloaded from here.
The camera ready version of our EDBT 2009 paper has been uploaded here.
The camera ready version of our DaMoN 2008 paper has been uploaded here.
The camera ready version of our VLDB 2007 paper has been uploaded here.
The list of accepted papers for DaMoN 2007 has been uploaded here.
In Spring 2007 I will be TAing the course ECE 18-842: Distributed Systems, taught by Prof. Greg Ganger.
The Qualifying exams of the ECE department is a great challenge. I am really glad that I am done with them.
Our QPipe Demo at the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE2006), in Atlanta, GA, won the Best Demo Award!! The poster of the demo can be found here. While some photos from the conference can be found here.
I was invited to participate in the Review Committee of the Seventeenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, which will be held in Odense, Denmark - 23-25 August 2006 (HYPERTEXT 2006).
I uploaded a number of photos. Check my personal page (here).
I was appointed Web Chair for the Second International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware (DaMoN 2006).
The new semester has started (Spring 2006). During this semester I am attending only one class, instructed by Professor Falsafi: 18-742 Multiprocessor Architecture.
I returned from the CMU's Parallel Data Lab (PDL) Retreat. The Retreat took place in a resort 1 hour outside of Pittsburgh called Nemacolin Woodlands Resort. The whole experience was very good.
Finally, I have settled down in Pittsburgh. You can see my updated contact information in the Contact page.
My personal Web site has been updated and moved to Carnegie Mellon's School of Computer Science (SCS)
web space. Its address is: